RFR 8184285: Buffer sizes of Flow based BodyProcessor API

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at oracle.com
Thu Aug 3 17:02:23 UTC 2017


The HTTP client work is continuing in a new branch of the JDK 10 sandbox 
forest (http-client-branch),
and here is the first of a number of changes we want to make.

This one is to address the feedback we received where 
HttpResponse.BodyProcessors would
be easier to implement if there was control over the size of buffers 
being supplied.

To that end we have added APIs for creating buffered response processors 
(and handlers)

So, HttpResponse.BodyProcessor has a new static method with the 
following signature

public static <T> BodyProcessor<T> buffering(BodyProcessor<T> 
downstream, long buffersize) {}

This returns a new processor which delivers data to the supplied 
downstream processor, buffered
by the 'buffersize' parameter. It guarantees that all data is delivered 
in chunks of that size
until the final chunk, which may be smaller.

This should allow other BodyProcessor implementations that require 
buffering to wrap themselves
in this way, be guaranteed that the data they receive is buffered, and 
then return that composite
processor to their user.

A similar method is added to HttpResponse.BodyHandler.

Note also, that we have changed HttpResponse.BodyProcessor from being a 
to Flow.Subscriber(List<ByteBuffer>). That change is technically 
orthogonal to this one, but is motivated
by it. By transferring ByteBuffers in lists makes it easier to buffer 
them efficiently.

The webrev is at: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~michaelm/8184285/webrev.1/


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