Suggestion for the HTTP client: allow selection of a local address

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at
Wed Aug 8 15:46:04 UTC 2018


I've created an RFE at
to track this. I imagine the simplest solution would be to be able to 
specify the local
address when constructing a HttpClient, and then all connections created 
using that
client would be bound to the chosen address.


On 08/08/2018, 15:43, Klaus Malorny wrote:
> Hi,
> I just discussed with a colleague that we dreadfully miss the ability 
> in the old HttpURLConnection to set the address to which the client 
> locally binds, which we require to get through the firewalls of our 
> business partners when connecting from a multihomed system. This 
> repeatedly caused us to use third-party libraries, which are powerful 
> on the one hand, but cumbersome on the other.
> With the new HTTP2 client in mind, I wanted to tell him, wait, with 
> Java 9+, it will be better. But I checked first and discovered that 
> there is still no way to do so.
> So, when you eventually revise the API, it would be nice if you could 
> consider the addition of such a feature.
> Regards,
> Klaus

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