RFR [11]: 8207966 HttpClient response without content-length does not return body

Thomas Lußnig openjdk at suche.org
Tue Aug 14 18:37:36 UTC 2018


i see that only missing Content-length is allowed with http/1.0.
I am not sure
a) if this is not also allowed with http/1.1
b) even if it is not allowed that it is good to read the body but not 
make it available for the application.
   From integration scenarios i know that this can often cause trouble 
if one side say we send the message
   And the other say we received nothing. In these situation network 
analyses and traffic log tell the message
   was transmitted but the application tell 0 bytes received.
If the message is dropped i think there should be an exception telling 
that there was an mandatory header missing.

Gruß Thomas Lußnig

p.s. Great to see that an fix is available soon.

On 14.08.2018 15:59:51, Michael McMahon wrote:
> Hi,
> This is an important fix for 11 which addresses the problem where 
> HTTP/1.0
> responses that do not include a content-length header are not handled 
> correctly.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~michaelm/8207966/webrev.2/index.html
> Thanks,
> Michael.

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