HttpClient API usage feedback/questions

Pavel Rappo pavel.rappo at
Sun Jun 3 00:30:45 UTC 2018

> On 2 Jun 2018, at 07:22, Jaikiran Pai <jai.forums2013 at> wrote:
> Some of the places where we parse the (response) headers, we check for the presence of some headers and if not present then we default them to certain values (based on certain application specific context). In its current form of the HttpHeaders API, we would either have to write some kind of wrapper API which returns a default value for those headers or keep repeating the logic of checking the returned Optional for empty value, before defaulting it to something.

Probably asking the obvious, but why can't you just write:


instead of

    headers.firstValueOrDefault(name, defaultValue) ?

I'm not sure the value provided by introducing these methods is worth the
increase in this API's size. Optionals provide a toolset for such tasks. 
This toolset is much richer than just "defaulting".

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