should report the attempted address and port

Jaikiran Pai jai.forums2013 at
Fri Jun 8 06:35:21 UTC 2018

Hi Michael,

I'm not a reviewer. I just checked the webrev and saw this change:

--- old/src/java.base/share/classes/java/net/	2018-06-06 08:34:38.000000000 +0100
+++ new/src/java.base/share/classes/java/net/	2018-06-06 08:34:38.000000000 +0100
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
          } catch (IOException e) {
-            close();
-            throw e;
+            throw SocketExceptions.of(e, new InetSocketAddress(address, port));

Is it intentional to remove that call to close()?

The rest of the changes look fine to me.


On 06/06/18 1:15 PM, Michael McMahon wrote:
> Hi all,
> Finally to return to this topic. We have looked at a few different 
> approaches
> and it seems the best way is to define a security property that can be set
> in the configuration file, but which can be overridden as a
> system property. The current behavior will remain the default, but setting
> the property will add addressing information to exception texts.
> The change applies to all TCP socket types in and java.nio.
> Webrev at: 
> Thanks,
> Michael.
> On 01/05/2018, 09:48, Michael McMahon wrote:
>> Peter,
>> Just to followup on this. We are still investigating a few options 
>> for doing this
>> and it might be a few more weeks before we get a decision. I did take 
>> your patch
>> as a starting point, and modified it to also work with NIO, and also 
>> to preserve
>> the original exception (with original stack trace) which I think is 
>> desirable.
>> I don't think there is much point in reviewing the webrev until we 
>> get the decision
>> mentioned above. But, we should be able to push it soon after that.
>> Thanks,
>> Michael
>> On 23/04/2018, 10:05, Péter Gergely Horváth wrote:
>>> Hi Tobias,
>>> Thank you for pointing me to that thread: it's good to have that 
>>> context (it was sent before I joined the mailing list, so please 
>>> bear with me).
>>> I understand the JDK developers want to be safe than sorry around 
>>> reporting target addresses and I absolutely agree with that point.
>>> However considering how useful it would be to have this _optionally_ 
>>> for debugging, I am wondering if it would be possible to have a 
>>> dedicated Java system property defined for this (e.g. 
>>> '' or something like that), 
>>> which would enable this behaviour (retaining the current behaviour 
>>> of *not reporting anything by default.*).
>>> What do you think about this, guys? With this in place both the 
>>> secure-by-default requirement would be met, and there would be a 
>>> powerful tool available to fight the horrors of debugging a running 
>>> complex distributed application from its logs.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Peter
>>> On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 10:21 PM, James Roper <james at 
>>> <mailto:james at>>wrote:
>>>     This would be especially useful in asynchronous applications -
>>>     since in those cases the exception rarely maps back to a place
>>>     in user code that would indicate what is being connected to. As
>>>     someone who has spent a lot of time supporting developers who
>>>     use asynchronous libraries and post exceptions of this nature
>>>     (supporting both in open source, eg on stack overflow, as well
>>>     as providing commercial support), where I don't have access to
>>>     their code base so I can't do the necessary investigations
>>>     directly myself, having the attempted address and port in the
>>>     error message would save a lot of time, and probably even
>>>     prevent a lot of people from requiring support in the first place.
>>>     On 22 April 2018 at 20:59, Péter Gergely Horváth
>>>     <peter.gergely.horvath at
>>>     <mailto:peter.gergely.horvath at>>wrote:
>>>         Hi All,
>>>         I am wondering if it would be possible to make a minor
>>>         improvement to the way ** reports
>>>         connectivity errors and incorporate the attempted address,
>>>         port and the timeout used into the exception message.
>>>         The current implementation emits a generic error message,
>>>         which is not that helpful when one is operating a _large_
>>>         application. (Consider e.g. Big Data or complex legacy
>>>         systems written by someone else).
>>> Connection refused (Connection
>>>         refused)
>>>         at Method)
>>>         at
>>>         <>.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.doConnect(
>>>         at
>>>         <>.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(
>>>         at
>>>         <>.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.connect(
>>>         at
>>>         at
>>>         at
>>>         at<init>(
>>>         at<init>(
>>>         at Sample.main(
>>>         I have looked into the JDK code base and implemented a patch
>>>         that reports the address, port and timeout used in the error
>>>         message without touching any native parts (see attached
>>>         patch file). I have tested this (created my own build of the
>>>         JDK and run a sample application against it) and it seems to
>>>         work properly.
>>>         Would it be possible to incorporate this change into the
>>>         official JDK code base? I do believe it would help a lot of
>>>         people out there.
>>>         Based on my understanding, once I have signed the OCA, I
>>>         should simply write an email to the group and request
>>>         a sponsor to pick up this issue. Could someone help me with
>>>         this?
>>>         Thank you,
>>>         Peter
>>>     -- 
>>>     *James Roper*
>>>     /Senior Octonaut/
>>>     Lightbend <> – Build reactive apps!
>>>     Twitter: @jroper <>

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