RFR 8204679: HTTP Client refresh

Michael McMahon michael.x.mcmahon at oracle.com
Wed Jun 20 10:54:38 UTC 2018


The test changes to support TLS1.3 have been pushed.

I noticed a small formatting issue in HttpRequest.java line 93
- unnecessary white space between the parentheses.



On 16/06/2018, 09:22, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> Hi,
> This review request consists of a number of small API changes
> and implementation changes, to the new HTTP Client. This
> refresh contains changes to address all recent feedback.
> Summary of the significant changes:
> - Make HttpHeaders final.
> - More descriptive error messages have been added when a server
>    misbehaves.
> - Synchronous send method error handling has been updated to
>    rethrow exceptions, therefore including the invoking thread's
>    stack in the exception stack trace.
> - Connection errors result in ConnectException
> - Dependent tasks run in the common pool
> - Test stabilization fixes.
> - Some small performance improvements.
> - General bug fixing.
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8204679
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chegar/httpclient/refresh/webrev.00/
> I authored only a portion of these changes, and have started,
> and will continue, to review the rest.
> -Chris.
> P.S. Michael is working on some last minute changes to support
> TLS 1.3, that will likely be in the an updated webrev early next week.

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