New HttpClient API - does it handle preemptive auth?

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at
Mon Jun 25 17:19:17 UTC 2018

Hi Jaikiran,

Yes - it does support preemptive auth, but only for basic
authentication since only basic is supported out of the

best regards,

-- daniel

On 25/06/2018 12:46, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
> I'm testing/integrating the latest OpenJDK upstream HttpClient 
> implementation with one of the libraries I have. Thanks for fixing some 
> of the issues I (and others) had raised before!
> Before the introduction of this new API, the HttpURLConnection (which 
> acted as a basic minimal client for HTTP) had an internal implementation 
> detail where it handled preemptive authentication for resources which 
> required auth. Does this new HttpClient implementation support 
> preemptive auth? I haven't seen it exposed as an API (haven't checked 
> the latest merged javadocs). But is it something that's even handled 
> internally currently? Any plans to expose it as an API?
> -Jaikiran

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