OT? reactive streams

James Roper james at lightbend.com
Thu May 17 01:48:23 UTC 2018

Hi Simon,

This is the right place to talk about the new HTTP client.

I wrote a blog post which has some hypothetical examples of integrating the
HTTP client with other APIs (such as the servlet API) and their
hypothetical future adoption of Reactive Streams:


Not sure if that will be useful to you or not.

You're right that there are no pre built processors for doing
map/flatmap/filter. This is something that I (and my company, Lightbend) am
looking to address, independent of the HTTP client. The current way to do
these transformations is using a third party Reactive Streams library, such
as Akka Streams, RxJava or Reactor. In MicroProfile, we are creating a
generic library for doing these transformations, and after some incubation
in there, we are hoping that the JDK maintainers will pull this library in
the JDK (we've seen some support from JDK maintainers for this path in
private channels). Here are some resources relevant to this effort
(everything is under active development, so things are moving fairly
quickly at the moment):




On Thu, 17 May 2018 at 07:32, Simon Roberts <simon at dancingcloudservices.com>

> Hi, apologies for the rather off topic inquiry, but I'm trying to find out
> more about the reactive streams features that are used inside the new
> httpClient. I tried to subscribe to what I think is the appropriate list
> but appeared to hit a "bug in mailman" (three times, so not, apparently,
> transient).
> I'm hoping to discover if there are samples, examples, whatever for the
> streams features (I was successful in implementing a crude BodyHandler /
> BodySubscriber, so the basics make sense.
> In particular, this feels like there might be Processors that perform
> map/flatmap/filter operations, prebuilt for ease of use
> Also, it feels like there might be examples or tools imteracting with GUI
> comonents, or perhaps performing infinite series math, like sieve of
> Erastothanes (sp!?) or the Pi approximation series.
> Can anyone tell me if they know of any such resources for
> learning/tinkering?
> Thanks!
> --
> Simon Roberts
> (303) 249 3613

*James Roper*
*Senior Octonaut*

Lightbend <https://www.lightbend.com/> – Build reactive apps!
Twitter: @jroper <https://twitter.com/jroper>
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