Problem with half-closure related to connection-reset in Java 11

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu May 31 18:41:10 UTC 2018

On 31/05/2018 18:08, Norman Maurer wrote:
> :
>> [1]
> Also let me know if you need anything else or want me to test something
I saw your other mail where you posted a link to giithub. I should have 
replied to ask you to attach the test so that it comes via OpenJDK 

In any case, I was able to create another test case to demonstrate the 
behavior difference between JDK 10 and 11 and I've attached it to the 
bug. It's as you described: the connection reset is detected when 
writing and a subsequent reading fails eagerly when you expect to first 
consume any bytes that may have been received before the connection was 
reset. The behavior change is specific to Linux, it doesn't happen on 
macOS as the error is reported as a pipe write error; On Windows it 
consistently reports an error after the reset is detected so I doubt the 
test case ever passed there.

In summary, there is a behavior change, at least on Linux and I have a 
patch to restore the old behavior, it just unspecified behavior and not 
something that anything could really rely on.


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