RFR: 8230000: some httpclients testng tests run zero test

Aleks Efimov aleksej.efimov at oracle.com
Fri Aug 23 17:47:16 UTC 2019

Hi Julia,

Minor comments:
Could you please add the missing comma after the last modification year, 
i.e. "2018, 2019,"

Same stuff: "2018, 2019,"

Otherwise looks good to me

With Best Regards,

On 23/08/2019 17:16, Julia Boes wrote:
> Hi,
> Please find below a fix of three httpclient tests for which testng 
> trivially passed without running any tests.
> In LineSubscribersAndSurrogatesTest and LineStreamsAndSurrogatesTest, 
> the access modifier of the methods in question was changed to public.
> For AbstractThrowingPushPromises, the header was adjusted so that it 
> no longer appears as a test. This class sets up an abstract framework 
> and the real tests are all implemented in subclasses.
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8230000
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/jboes/8230000/webrev.01/
> Regards,
> Julia

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