RFR: 8230220: java/net/HttpURLConnection/HttpURLProxySelectionTest.java fails intermittently

Jaikiran Pai jai.forums2013 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 11:55:19 UTC 2019

Hi Daniel,

On 27/08/19 4:49 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> Hi Jaikiran,
> Looks good.
> While you're at it, would you mind using
> jdk.test.lib.net.URIBuilder from the /test/lib
> library instead of composing the URL string by hand?
> Something like:
>     URL targetURL = URIBuilder.newBuilder()
>         .scheme("http")
>         .host(server.getAddress().getAddress())
>         .port(server.getAddress().getPort())
>         .path(WEB_APP_CONTEXT)
>         .toURL();
> I've come across some host configurations where:
> InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress().getHostName() => "localhost"
> but InetAddress.getByName("localhost") returns the external IP (and
> not the loopback). It all depends on what is listed in /etc/hosts.
> Using URIBuilder as above will ensure that the host address is
> used (instead of the host name) and that "[" "]" are inserted
> if the address is an IPv6 literal.

Understood. Here's an updated webrev to include this change


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