RFR: 8235141: Specify the required standard socket options for the socket types in the java.net package

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Wed Dec 4 16:42:14 UTC 2019


On 04/12/2019 14:24, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> This test doesn't test NetworkChannel.

This is what I was referring to:

   { Configurable.of(SocketChannel.open()), SOCKET_OPTIONS }


    static Configurable<NetworkChannel, IOException> of(NetworkChannel 
socket) {
           return new ConfigurableImpl<>(socket, socket::setOption,
                   socket::getOption, socket::supportedOptions, 

If this is somehow not testing NetworkChannel::supportedOptions, et, 
then forget my comment. If it is, then it is a candidate to drop, if needed.

> But it does check that the adapters behave consistently with the spec
> of their java.net super class.



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