RFR: 8232513: java/net/DatagramSocket/PortUnreachable.java still fails intermittently with BindException

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Fri Dec 6 17:18:17 UTC 2019

> Updated webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jboes/webrevs/8232513/webrev.01/

On 06/12/2019 17:05, Vyom Tewari26 wrote:
> Your change looks OK but it will increase the worst case, running time 
> of test from (2500+1000)ms to (15000 + 1000)ms and this will definitely 
> decrease the  probability of intermittent  failure but not 100% full proof.

It's impossible to have a 100% full proof solution given the
nature of the test and our current infrastructure.
We can only do a best effort.

The sleep(1000) is maybe a bit extreme but the change look
good to me. We can revisit if different kind of failures

best regards,

-- daniel

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