RFR [15] 5064980: URI compareTo inconsistent with equals for mixed-case escape sequences
Chris Hegarty
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Mon Dec 16 14:04:55 UTC 2019
> On 13 Dec 2019, at 18:28, Kiran Ravikumar <kiran.sidhartha.ravikumar at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Could someone please review my fix to URI.java class were URI.compareTo(URI) behavior was different to URI.equals(URI). URI.compareTo(URI) does not consider two URI's to be equal when they differ only in the case of hexadecimal digits of escaped octets, while URI.equals(URI) does consider such URIs to be equal.
> The fix involves spec and code change. A CSR was filed and approved.
> Please find the webrev at -
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kravikumar/5064980/webrev.0/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kravikumar/5064980/webrev.0/>
This looks very good. Just a few minor comments:
1) In the comment: "... method is not called for 'decoded' strings",
should read "... method is not called WITH 'decoded' strings", right?
2) In comment: "The only place were a percent can be followed by
anything OTHER than hexadecimal digits is ..." - OTHER
3) While here I noticed an incorrect link in the compareTo javadoc.
Maybe this could be fixed at the same time:
+++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/net/URI.java
@@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@
* component is undefined but the other is defined then the first is
* considered to be less than the second. Unless otherwise noted, string
* components are ordered according to their natural, case-sensitive
- * ordering as defined by the {@link java.lang.String#compareTo(Object)
+ * ordering as defined by the {@link java.lang.String#compareTo(String)
* String.compareTo} method. String components that are subject to
* encoding are compared by comparing their raw forms rather than their
* encoded forms.
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