8207404: MulticastSocket tests failing on Aix

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Mon Jan 7 14:33:48 UTC 2019


On 05/12/2018 10:50, Steve Groeger wrote:
> Posting this to net-dev as well as ppc-aix-port-dev as this may be a 
> more appropriate mailing list to get responses about networking.
> I have performed the test Volker mentioned in an earlier post (on xLinux 
> machine, remove the ipv6 address from the ens32 interface but leaving 
> inte6 enabled on the system).
> With this configuration the jdk/java/net/MulticastSocket/JoinLeave.java 
> test still passes, whereas on AIX with a similar configuration the test 
> fails.
> For those with knowledge of networking, should this MulticastSocket test 
> pass if there is no ipv6 address enabled for the interface being used.

If there is no interface, that supports multicasting, with an IPv6 
address, then the test will not execute the particular IPv6 multicasting 
scenario. That is fine, the IPv6 portion of the test is effectively 
skipped, since it cannot be tested on the particular platform. ( One 
could separate IPv4 from IPv6 in this test, and rather return a jtreg 
skipped status if a suitable interface with IPv6 is not found. But is 
does not seem worth while. )


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