[13] RFR: 8216498: Confusing and unneeded wrapping of SSLHandshakeException

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Thu Jan 10 18:23:40 UTC 2019


Please find below a fix for:
8216498: Confusing and unneeded wrapping of SSLHandshakeException


When an IOException occurs in the java.net.http HTTP/1.1 stack
it eventually gets re-wrapped in another IOException that
provides a more detailed message about the state of the parser
at the point where the exception was raised.

This however gets confusing if the original exception that gets
wrapped is an SSLHandshakeException, as the state of the parser
is usually not useful in that case, and the important information
(about the handshake failure) then gets buried down the exception

This webrev alters the wrapping logic to not re-wrap the

best regards,

-- daniel

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