8217461: (ch) Add Net.available to return the number of bytes in the socket input buffer

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Jan 23 10:35:28 UTC 2019

On 23/01/2019 09:42, Florian Weimer wrote:
> :
> Do you plan to read from the socket buffer in the implementation of
> available()?  The problem is that even if there is currently data in the
> socket buffer, further data that arrives later can clear it.  I think
> this can only happen as part of a connection reset.  Maybe that's okay
> because reading will not block, but throw an exception instead?
Not planning for available to read. The long standing behavior in this 
area is for SIS.available to consistently return 0 after a connection 
reset has been detected. This is of course awkward to replicate in a new 
implementation as it requires detecting connection reset, something that 
was never implemented in the SocketChannel implementation (mostly 
because it's highly platform/implementation specific as to how read 
behaves when attempt after a connection reset).


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