[teststabilization] RFR: 8227539: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 20

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Wed Jul 10 17:34:21 UTC 2019

On 10/07/2019 18:45, Michael McMahon wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I think I prefer the pattern of URL creation where you use URIBuilder
> and then toURL() as the final step, rather than toString() and then new 
> URL(string).
> But, it's not a big deal.


> NoLoopbackPackets looks like it could be simplified with try with 
> resources (line 166)
> unless you expect the close() to sometimes throw an exception that needs 
> to be ignored .?

Good point.

> Can you use the single-arg version of Collectors.joining() in B6210227.java
> as the prefix and suffix are empty?


> What about using InetAddress.isAnyLocalAddress() instead of testing for 
> zero bytes
> in isWildcard()?

The original test did a 0 comparison and I wanted to keep that.

New webrev:

I'm retesting, and if there is no further comments I'll push if
the test results are successful.

best regards,

-- daniel

> Looks fine otherwise.
> Thanks,
> Michael.

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