[ipv6] RFR: 8223532: Don't try creating IPv4 sockets in NetworkInterface.c if IPv4 is not supported

Arthur Eubanks aeubanks at google.com
Wed May 8 17:33:18 UTC 2019

Reverted changes in net_util.c.
Also, webrev.00 would create an IPv6 socket even if creating the IPv4
socket was successful. Fixed. (My very first revision had this same issue,
which I thought I had fixed before sending it out. Tricky if statements
have been cleaned up to make this less likely to happen again in the


*From: *Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>
*Date: *Wed, May 8, 2019 at 7:58 AM
*To: *Chris Hegarty, Arthur Eubanks, OpenJDK Network Dev list

> On 08/05/2019 12:51, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> >
> > While the vast majority of libnet.so is devoted to socket related
> > implementation, not all is. There are a small number of low-level pieces
> > of functionality that can be used with support for either IPv4 or IPv6
> > being present. The NIO implementation also uses some shared common
> > functionality from libnet.so. It seems overly restricting to disallow
> > libnet.so from loading if neither IPv4 or IPv6 are present.
> >
> I agree as an innocent reference to a type in java.net might resulting
> in libnet being loaded as a side effect. We also have the issue that the
> file system implementation is in libnio so libnet will be loaded there
> too (although shouldn't trigger its JNI OnLoad to be run).
> -Alan
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