[ipv6] RFR: 8223214: Inet6AddressImpl.loopbackAddress() should choose loopback address that is available

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Fri May 17 11:13:58 UTC 2019

Hi Arthur,

On 17/05/2019 00:18, Arthur Eubanks wrote:
> I've tried to run this through the submit repo twice, haven't gotten a 
> result from either run. Could somebody check what's happened to those runs?
> The branch names are "JDK-8223214" and "JDK-8223214-1".

I'm not seeing anything for JDK-8223214 in the history.
When did you submit those? It looks as they never run,
as I can see jobs from some month ago. Maybe the trigger
didn't work (whatever that is).

Can you submit a again and let me know - and I'll try
to have a look at the jdk-submit CI?

best regards,

-- daniel

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