[RFR] 8194231: java/net/DatagramSocket/ReuseAddressTest.java failed with java.net.BindException: Address already in use: Cannot bind

Zeller, Arno arno.zeller at sap.com
Tue May 28 15:10:14 UTC 2019


I took a look at JDK-8194231 and would like to propose the following fix for the issue.

The problem seems that the test uses fixed port 5050 for testing that is also used by newer Windows versions (Windows 10/Window Server 2016 and newer).
Therefore the test will always fail when run on a newer Windows machine. To avoid such problems in the future I changed the three sub tests that use a fixed port to use a generic port instead.

8194231: java/net/DatagramSocket/ReuseAddressTest.java failed with java.net.BindException: Address already in use: Cannot bind


Best regards,
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