[RFR] 8224645: Test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/BasicMulticastTests.java fails with NoSuchElementException

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Wed May 29 07:08:47 UTC 2019

Hi Alan,

On 29/05/2019 07:29, Alan Bateman wrote:
> The purpose of L237-244 isn't clear. Maybe it's useful to print the 
> count of interfaces supporting multicast but it is necessary to throw 
> SkipException when the count is 0? For debugging purposes I think it 
> would be much prefer if the value of nif were printed before it runs the 
> test on the interface. I think that would eliminate the need for the count.

The idea is that if a test machine has no IPv4 and no
IPv6 multicast interfaces then it's probably misconfigured.

Also if a regression is introduced that causes this to happen,
then we'd probably want to see it.

AFAIK the SkippedException is a good match for that.

best regard,

-- daniel

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