RFR: 8232853: AuthenticationFilter.Cache::remove may throw ConcurrentModificationException

Julia Boes julia.boes at oracle.com
Tue Nov 5 15:38:45 UTC 2019

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

> It looks like Cache#remove can be fixed simply by using an explicit 
> iterator and using iterator#remove instead of List#remove.
> Cache looks fishy in other ways, e.g. why does Cache#remove ignore 
> authscheme?

I changed the implementation to use an iterator instead and check the 

synchronized void remove(String authscheme, URI domain, boolean proxy) {
-            for (CacheEntry entry : entries) {
-                if (entry.equalsKey(domain, proxy)) {
-                    entries.remove(entry);
+            var iterator = entries.iterator();
+            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+                var au = iterator.next();
+                if (!Objects.equals(au.scheme, authscheme)) continue;
+                if (au.equalsKey(domain, proxy)) {
+                    iterator.remove();

> WRT to the test, I'd suggest this to make it more maintainable:
>         static final int REQUEST_COUNT = 5;
>         static final int URI_COUNT     = 6;
>  67     static final CyclicBarrier barrier =
>              new CyclicBarrier(REQUEST_COUNT * URI_COUNT);
>  257     void doClient(List<URI> uris) {
>              assert uris.size() == URI_COUNT;
>  258         barrier.reset();
>  ...
>  263         for (int i = 0; i < REQUEST_COUNT; i++) { 


Updated webrev: 

I filed a separate issue to revisit the cache implementation: 



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