RFR: [XS] 8234501 : remove obsolete NET_ReadV
Baesken, Matthias
matthias.baesken at sap.com
Thu Nov 21 10:16:14 UTC 2019
Thanks Alan .
The linktime section-gc found a couple of other potentially unused functions / variables in libnet ;
example output of --print-gc-sections for the libnet product - build (linux s390x) :
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.bss.my_gconf_init_func' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/DefaultProxySelector.o' <--- seems to be dead
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.text.NET_ReadV' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/linux_close.o' <--- seems to be dead, I requested cross-platform removal with https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8234501
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.text.getInet6Address_scopeifname' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/net_util.o' <--- seems to be dead
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.text.getInet6Address_scopeid_set' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/net_util.o' <--- seems to be dead
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.text.getInetAddress_hostName' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/net_util.o' <--- seems to be dead
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.text.setDefaultScopeID' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/net_util_md.o' <--- seems to be dead indeed
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.text.getDefaultScopeID' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/net_util_md.o' <--- seems to be dead indeed
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.text.kernelIsV24' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/net_util_md.o' <--- seems to be dead indeed
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.bss.ni_defaultIndexID.8722' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/net_util_md.o' <--- only used in getDefaultScopeID , which is dead
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.bss.ni_class.8721' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/net_util_md.o' <--- only used in getDefaultScopeID , which is dead
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.bss.vinit24' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/net_util_md.o' <--- only used in kernelIsV24 which is dead
/bin/ld: Removing unused section '.bss.kernelV24' in file '/builddir/support/native/java.base/libnet/net_util_md.o' <--- only used in kernelIsV24 which is dead
Should I remove the others too (would open another jira-issue for this, or are there concerns ) ?
As far as I checked, the other findings are all unreferenced / unused these days .
Best regards, Matthias
From: Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>
Sent: Donnerstag, 21. November 2019 08:48
To: Baesken, Matthias <matthias.baesken at sap.com>; Vyom Tewari26 <vtewar26 at in.ibm.com>
Cc: net-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: RFR: [XS] 8234501 : remove obsolete NET_ReadV
On 21/11/2019 07:38, Baesken, Matthias wrote:
Thanks !
May I have a second review ?
Looks good.
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