SameSite cookie attribute

Simone Bordet simone.bordet at
Thu Nov 21 18:35:10 UTC 2019


On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 6:44 PM Chris Hegarty <chris.hegarty at> wrote:
> I’m still doing some background reading, but it seems at the very minimum that the less-than-fresh would need to know about, and support, the SameSite attribute. Currently attributes are modelled through a pair of explicit per-attribute mutators and accessors, so ( following that style ) SameSite would need a new pair of these. ( maybe a more general modelling of attributes is needed? )  Without a general modelling of attributes, and without SameSite being published as part of an RFC, then I’d be reluctant to bake SameSite into the Java SE Specification ( as a pair of mutators and accessors methods ).
> Maybe I’m missing your point or making an incorrect assumption ( I’m still digesting some of this material )?

On the client side it would be nice to have the SameSite semantic
implemented, I would say.
I mean that HttpClient (in general, but more specifically should return cookies also taking into account
the SameSite semantic, similarly to what it does today where it takes
into account the Domain and Path and Secure attributes.

Also, applications may need to know if a cookie had a SameSite
attribute and what was its value (and therefore either a specific
getter, or a generic, map-like, way to retrieve cookie attributes).

A generic way to retrieve cookie attributes would allow applications
to manually implement logics such as SameSite.

Currently the only option applications have is to _not_ use the JDK
classes (CookieManager & CookieStore) and do manually the parsing of
Set-Cookie, the storage of cookies, and their retrieval - it's not
optimal (code duplication, introducing bugs, different interpretation
of the spec, etc.).

Simone Bordet
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