8248703 Clarify the behavior of java.net.NetworkInterface::equals

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Thu Jul 2 17:47:52 UTC 2020

Thanks Alan!

On 02/07/2020 18:26, Alan Bateman wrote:
> "if both name and bound IP addresses are the same for both" is okay but 
> might be more consistent with some of the other methods if you tweak it 
> something like "if the names are equal and the set of {@code 
> InetAddress}es bound to the interfaces are equal".
> This a javadoc only change so okay if it goes to jdk/jdk15.

I made the requested changes:


If I don't hear any objections I will proceed and push
to 15 by tomorrow.

best regards,

-- daniel

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