RFC: 8132359: JarURLConnection.getJarFile() resource leak when file is not found

Alex Kashchenko akashche at redhat.com
Wed Jun 10 14:52:32 UTC 2020


On 05/12/2020 12:20 AM, Alex Kashchenko wrote:
> CSR: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8244650

A question about this CSR: after this new issue was found in the same area:

JDK-8246714: URLClassLoader/JAR protocol handler poisons the global 
JarFile cache under concurrent load

would it be appropriate to postpone the activity on the CSR (and 
possibly eventually cancel it)?

It looks like both possible solutions to 8244650:

  - short term: disable caching for JAR protocol

  - long term: rework JAR protocol handler

make this CSR redundant.

I am happy to work on some minor bugfixes in this area if necessary.

> [...]

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