RFR 8245245 : WebSocket can loose the URL encoding of URI query parameters

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Fri Jun 26 17:18:28 UTC 2020

I concur. Rahul has convinced me.
Rahul also pointed me to a test that verifies that the IAE is
thrown, so I believe that
is good.

best regards,

-- daniel

On 26/06/2020 16:42, Rahul Yadav wrote:
> Pavel,
> That scenario is already handled, the existing behavior is if there is a 
> fragment, an exception is thrown.
> That hasn't changed.
>   344     private static URI checkURI(URI uri) {
>   345         String scheme = uri.getScheme();
>   346         if (!("ws".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme) || "wss".equalsIgnoreCase(scheme)))
>   347             throw illegal("invalid URI scheme: " + scheme);
>   348         if (uri.getHost() == null)
>   349             throw illegal("URI must contain a host: " + uri);
>   350         if (uri.getFragment() != null)
>   351             throw illegal("URI must not contain a fragment: " + uri);
>   352         return uri;
>   353     }
>   354
> - rahul

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