RFR: 8243376 java.net.SocketPermission.implies(Permission p) spec is mismatching with implementation

Jayashree Sk1 jayashreesk at in.ibm.com
Thu May 21 08:35:10 UTC 2020


Please review the fix and Jtreg testcase to the following issue:

The proposed changeset is hosted at:

The scenario is: 
- Some specified target hostname resolves to two IP addresses (always the same address pair). 
- The DNS resolved order of the two ip addresses changes (a usual LoadBalancer type behavior). 
- The CNAME of the two ip addresses differ. 

In SocketPermission class(void getIP() method), it internally resolves and saves only the first IP address resolved, not all the IP addresses resolved. 
- Depending on when the implier/implied SocketPermission hostname is resolved, the resolved addresses order differs, and the internally saved IP address mismatches, resulting on SocketPermission#implies() false. 

So the fix is to: 
Pass all the IP addresses of the specified target instead of just saving the first IP.   


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