A few questions/comments about java.net.MulticastSocket

Daniel Fuchs (sun) daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Tue Jan 19 19:09:47 UTC 2021

Hi Vitaly,

On 19/01/2021 19:01, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
>     That was an API mistake in Java 1.4. When DatagramChannel was
>     updated to support joining multicast groups (in Java 7) it was able
>     to get the parameters right.
> Would it make sense to make a note of this aspect in joinGroup's javadoc?

There's some veiled hint about that in the API note in the
MulticastSocket class level API documentation (that we added
in JDK 15):


API Note:
     DatagramChannel implements the MulticastChannel interface and 
provides an alternative API for sending and receiving multicast 
datagrams. The MulticastChannel API supports both any-source and 
source-specific multicast.

But yes, as Alan says, the javadoc could still be improved.

best regards,

-- daniel

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