Draft JEP: 8263693: InetAddress host name and address lookup service provider interface

Aleksei Efimov aleksej.efimov at oracle.com
Thu Jul 22 16:38:38 UTC 2021


For some time now we've been considering adding a standard service 
provider interface for InetAddress APIs that will allow deployment of 
alternative implementations of the underlying host name and address 
resolution mechanisms.

After some prototyping work we have a draft JEP written:
     8263693: InetAddress host name and address lookup service provider 

The prototype implementation (still work in progress) of this JEP can be 
viewed in JDK Sandbox branch:
     git clone https://github.com/openjdk/jdk-sandbox.git -b 

As part of the prototyping work we've also developed two 
proof-of-concept name service providers to demonstrate and verify that 
the provider interface can be used to develop name service 
implementations alternative to the name service implementation shipped 
with the Java platform:
     PoC name service based on JNDI APIs:
     PoC name service based on Netty library:

Feedback on this JEP before submission would be very welcome.

Best Regards,

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