Unix Domain Socket with Websocket

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Fri Jun 11 09:22:29 UTC 2021

Hi Christos,

The HttpClient doesn't support Unix Domain Socket - only regular

You could of course open a connection with your client using
a plain Unix Domain SocketChannel [1] using the UNIX
ProtocolFamilly [2].

best regard,

-- daniel

On 11/06/2021 09:57, Christos Vasilakis wrote:
> Hello all,
> we've a native application (in C) that exposes a json-rpc interface 
> over a Unix Domain Socket  using websocket. I know that the upcoming 
> Java 17 release will include support for unix domain sockets and I'm 
> wondering if the included websocket client  (since Java 11) will also 
> support this mechanism ?
> If not planned,  any advice on how you can achieve this today ?
> * me hopes that I don't need to touch C code and continue with Java :-)
> Kind regards,
> -Christos

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