RFR: 8267840: Improve URLStreamHandler.parseURL()

Сергей Цыпанов github.com+10835776+stsypanov at openjdk.java.net
Tue Jun 22 10:24:29 UTC 2021

On Fri, 18 Jun 2021 07:31:14 GMT, Сергей Цыпанов <github.com+10835776+stsypanov at openjdk.org> wrote:

> There is an optimization opportunity for the widespread use-case when a resource is read from classpath using `getClass().getClassLoader().getResource()` or `getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream()`.
> Pay attention to lines starting from 261. In case I run something like
> var props = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("/application.properties");
> I get into the if-else block starting from 251 and here 'separator' variable is an empty String. In this case we can skip 'separator' from concatenation chain and use `String.concat()` as there are only two items concatenated.
> In the opposite case `separator` variable is `"/"` and at the same time `ind` variable is `-1`. This means that expression `path.substring(0, ind + 1)` always returns an empty String and again can be excluded from concatenation chain allowing usage of `String.concat()` which allows to dodge utilization of `StringBuilder` (here `StringConcatFactory` is not available, see https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/3627)
> In the next else-block, starting from 274, again, `String.concat()` is applicable.
> In another if-else block, starting from 277, when id is 0 again path.substring(0, ind) returns empty String making concatenation pointless and avoidable.
> There are also some other minor clean-ups possible regarding constant conditions (lines 252 and 161).
> The change allows to reduce significantly resource look-up costs for a very wide-spread case:
> @State(Scope.Benchmark)
> @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime)
> @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
> @Fork(jvmArgsAppend = {"-Xms2g", "-Xmx2g"})
> public class ClassGetResourceBenchmark {
>     private final Class<?> clazz = getClass();
>     @Benchmark
>     public URL getResource() {
>         return clazz.getResource("/application.properties");
>     }
> }
> The change allows to reduce memory consumption significantly:
> before
> Benchmark                                                               Mode  Cnt     Score     Error   Units
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource                                   avgt  100  1649,367 ±   5,904   ns/op
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.alloc.rate                    avgt  100   619,204 ±   2,413  MB/sec
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.alloc.rate.norm               avgt  100  1339,232 ±   4,909    B/op
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.churn.G1_Eden_Space           avgt  100   627,192 ±  74,972  MB/sec
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.churn.G1_Eden_Space.norm      avgt  100  1356,681 ± 162,354    B/op
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.churn.G1_Survivor_Space       avgt  100     0,119 ±   0,100  MB/sec
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.churn.G1_Survivor_Space.norm  avgt  100     0,257 ±   0,217    B/op
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.count                         avgt  100   128,000            counts
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.time                          avgt  100   227,000                ms
> after
> Benchmark                                                               Mode  Cnt     Score     Error   Units
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource                                   avgt  100  1599,948 ±   4,115   ns/op
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.alloc.rate                    avgt  100   358,434 ±   0,922  MB/sec
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.alloc.rate.norm               avgt  100   752,016 ±   0,004    B/op
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.churn.G1_Eden_Space           avgt  100   342,778 ±  76,490  MB/sec
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.churn.G1_Eden_Space.norm      avgt  100   719,264 ± 160,513    B/op
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.churn.G1_Survivor_Space       avgt  100     0,008 ±   0,005  MB/sec
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.churn.G1_Survivor_Space.norm  avgt  100     0,017 ±   0,010    B/op
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.count                         avgt  100    70,000            counts
> ClassGetResourceBenchmark.getResource:·gc.time                          avgt  100   151,000                ms

Hi Daniel, tier1 and tier2 is ok in pipeline, but locally I'm facing

Test selection 'jdk:tier1', will run:
* jtreg:test/jdk:tier1

Running test 'jtreg:test/jdk:tier1'
Error: Unexpected exception occurred! java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 6+1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 6+1
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.tool.Version.<init>(Version.java:80)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.config.TestProperties$Cache$Entry.initAllowSmartActionArgs(TestProperties.java:452)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.config.TestProperties$Cache$Entry.<init>(TestProperties.java:262)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.config.TestProperties$Cache.getEntryInternal(TestProperties.java:509)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.config.TestProperties$Cache.getEntry(TestProperties.java:500)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.config.TestProperties.<init>(TestProperties.java:57)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.config.RegressionTestSuite.<init>(RegressionTestSuite.java:80)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.config.RegressionTestSuite.open(RegressionTestSuite.java:65)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.config.TestManager.getTestSuites(TestManager.java:165)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.tool.Tool.run(Tool.java:1124)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.tool.Tool.run(Tool.java:1075)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.tool.Tool.main(Tool.java:147)
	at com.sun.javatest.regtest.Main.main(Main.java:58)
Finished running test 'jtreg:test/jdk:tier1'
Test report is stored in build/linux-x86_64-server-release/test-results/jtreg_test_jdk_tier1

I configure and run tests with

> bash configure --with-boot-jdk=/home/s.tsypanov/jdks/jdk-16.0.1 --with-jtreg=/home/s.tsypanov/jtreg5
> make test TEST=jdk:tier1 && make test TEST=jdk:tier2


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4526

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