RFR: 8267353: java/net/SctpSanity.java fails due to Protocol not supported

Chris Hegarty chegar at openjdk.java.net
Thu May 27 08:31:10 UTC 2021

On Thu, 27 May 2021 00:41:25 GMT, Jie Fu <jiefu at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> if sctp is configured on a linux system would there exist a /proc/net/sctp and have an entry in /proc/net/protocols ?
>> No /proc/net/sctp and no entry in /proc/net/protocols.
>> But I don't think it's the reason since it passed on another machine without /proc/net/sctp and the entry too.
>> Thanks.
>> > if sctp is configured on a linux system would there exist a /proc/net/sctp and have an entry in /proc/net/protocols ?
>> No /proc/net/sctp and no entry in /proc/net/protocols.
>> But I don't think it's the reason since it passed on another machine without /proc/net/sctp and the entry too.
>> Thanks.
> After `sudo yum install lksctp-tools`, which would install libsctp.so.1, both the machines fail now.
> So @ChrisHegarty is right: the machine in question has the libsctp.so.1 library, but the kernel module is not loaded.
> Thanks.

@DamonFool Thanks for checking this, and helping track down the root cause of the issue.

The machine configuration is a little unusual (since it has the user-level libraries installed, while the kernel module is not loaded). Clearly, to workaround the issue, the "sctp" kernel module could be loaded, but that will just serve to mask/hide the underlying problem.

The bug is really in the Java_sun_nio_ch_sctp_SctpNet_socket0 native method ( SctpNet.c ) - there should be an explicit check for ENOPROTO after calling socket(2), throwing UnsupportedOperationException if that is the case.

@DamonFool  I would much prefer to keep the test as it is and fix the underlying bug, but this may be more than you want to do? If so, I'll get this done myself.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4199

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