AW: jdk.httpserver and HTTP/2 support ?
pierre.viret at
pierre.viret at
Tue Nov 9 11:05:08 UTC 2021
Hi Daniel
I think that there are many users of this module, and on my opinion it would make sense to add this new feature: as HTTP/2 is becoming more common it would be great to be able to use the for this use case, for instance in testing and educational purpose.
If we find someone ready to make the effort to implement HTTP/2 for the, do you think there is some chance to include it in the JDK ?
Best Regards,
> Hi Pierre,
>On 09/11/2021 08:55, pierre.viret at wrote:
>> Hi
>> I think that the HttpServer delivered within the JDK does not support
>> HTTP/2 yet, I didn’t find any clue about it. Is there any plan to add
>> this support in a near future?
>The only supports HTTP/1.1. It's mostly useful for testing and educational purpose, and there's no plan to extend it to support HTTP/2 at this time.
>best regards,
>-- daniel
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