HTTP/308 handling in HttpURLConnection

Robert Stupp snazy at
Mon Jun 13 07:19:22 UTC 2022

Yup, I have one. Created <>

> Am 10.06.2022 um 14:13 schrieb Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fuchs at>:
> Hi Robert,
> On 10/06/2022 11:54, Robert Stupp wrote:
>> Does anyone recall why HTTP/308 was not implemented that time? I suspect that HTTP/308 was just not a thing 14/15 years ago, but no clue whether it’s just not been implemented all the time or whether there was a reason to not handle it at all in HttpURLConnection. I could not find anything useful in the OpenJDK commit log nor in the OpenJDK JIRA (there was a ticket about the Webstart client).
> The history you can observe probably dates back to the time when
> Java was open sourced, but the networking code is probably older
> than that.
> I would guess that 308 was never implemented.
> Do you have an account for ?
> If you do please log an RFE (component core-libs, subcomponent
> and we will evaluate it. Otherwise you can log
> it through
> I see that 308 is not very different from 301 except that it
> explicitly prevents turning a POST into a GET on redirection - so
> there may be several places to tweak in the HttpURLConnection code
> if we decided to implement this.
> best regards,
> -- daniel

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