[java.net.http.HttpClient] Error on idle/closed stream when sending requests
Jaikiran Pai
jai.forums2013 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 10:35:46 UTC 2023
Hello Nicolas,
I have been able to reproduce this issue in a test case and I realize
what's going on. I'll be working on a fix.
I'm just curious if you were able to workaround this issue with the use
of a non-default idle timeout using the system properties I noted.
On 20/07/23 1:01 pm, Jaikiran Pai wrote:
> On 20/07/23 12:19 pm, Nicolas Henneaux wrote:
>> Hi Jaikiran!
>> Thanks for your quick feedback!
>> It happens on a regular and consistent basis mostly when execution
>> health checks between microservices. On about 100 microservices
>> deployed on 100 VM, it happens ~400 times every hours.
>> I haven't find a consistent pattern for now. I cannot attach the
>> whole stacktrace as it is a closed source code. I can provide some
>> details. A ScheduleExecutor is launching a check on healthiness HTTP
>> call every 29s (was 30s but I desync it to avoid idle timeout of 30s
>> alignment with HttpClient). This is the biggest source of those
>> errors but not the only one, there are regular HTTP calls received on
>> a Jetty server and calling another service that are failing.
>> I have already tried to enable full debug without much help for now.
>> Is there something in particular you are willing to check?
> Thank you for these additional details. I don't have any specific log
> message in mind for now. I'll look into the code and try to reproduce
> this in a test case.
> From the stacktrace it appears that this affects HTTP2 connection in
> your application. One workaround would be to increase the idle
> connection timeout for these connections, to reduce the chances of
> this issue. There are system properties that control this value. If
> you want to configure this only for HTTP2 connections, then
> jdk.httpclient.keepalive.timeout.h2 is the system property to set, the
> value represents number of seconds (and defaults to 30). More details
> about this and other system properties applicable for HttpClient are
> available here
> https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/20/docs/api/java.net.http/module-summary.html
> -Jaikiran
>> Best regards,
>> Nicolas
>> On Thu, 20 Jul 2023 at 08:11, Jaikiran Pai <jai.forums2013 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hello Nicolas,
>> This looks like it will need to be investigated. I've opened
>> https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8312433 to tracking this. It
>> would help further if you could attach the complete exception
>> logs along with timestamps, if any.
>> Is this consistently reproducible? Perhaps you could launch your
>> application passing it the -Djdk.internal.httpclient.debug=true
>> system property? That will generate very verbose logs, so you
>> might want to use that sparingly and remove that system property
>> when you have collected the logs for this issue.
>> -Jaikiran
>> On 20/07/23 11:00 am, Nicolas Henneaux wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Since I updated Java from 19.0.2 to 20.0.1, I got some errors
>>> with connection idle shutdown or closed stream usage when trying
>>> to send HTTP requests with java.net.http.HttpClient.
>>> The two following errors are happening. I suspect those are
>>> linked even if they don't trigger together.
>>> 1. java.net.http.HttpConnectTimeoutException: HTTP connection
>>> idle, no active streams. Shutting down.
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.HttpClientImpl.send(HttpClientImpl.java:890)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> 2. java.io.IOException: Stream 9 cancelled
>>> at jdk.internal.net.http.Stream.cancel(Stream.java:1229)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> The detailed stacks are copied below.
>>> Error 1. is caused by an idle connection trying to be used to
>>> send the request from what I understood from the code. Error 2.
>>> despite saying it is a cancelled streamed is actually happening
>>> when the stream is closed if I haven't missed something in the code.
>>> I suspect either the idle connections are not always properly
>>> discarded to create a new one or there is a race condition when
>>> discarding the idle connections.
>>> I was not able so far to find where this could happen and I hope
>>> you could help me to find where the problem lies.
>>> Thank you in advance for your help,
>>> Best regards,
>>> Nicolas Henneaux
>>> Detailed stacks
>>> 1. Caused by: java.net.http.HttpConnectTimeoutException: HTTP
>>> connection idle, no active streams. Shutting down.
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.HttpClientImpl.send(HttpClientImpl.java:890)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.HttpClientFacade.send(HttpClientFacade.java:133)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> (...)
>>> Caused by: java.net.http.HttpConnectTimeoutException: HTTP
>>> connection idle, no active streams. Shutting down.
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.Http2Connection$IdleConnectionTimeoutEvent.handle(Http2Connection.java:204)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.HttpClientImpl.purgeTimeoutsAndReturnNextDeadline(HttpClientImpl.java:1689)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.HttpClientImpl$SelectorManager.run(HttpClientImpl.java:1299)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> 2. Caused by: java.io.IOException: Stream 9 cancelled
>>> at jdk.internal.net.http.Stream.cancel(Stream.java:1229)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.Http2Connection.putStream(Http2Connection.java:1237)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at jdk.internal.net.http.Stream.registerStream(Stream.java:851)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.Http2Connection.registerNewStream(Http2Connection.java:1337)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.Http2Connection.sendFrame(Http2Connection.java:1361)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.Stream.sendHeadersAsync(Stream.java:823)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.Exchange.lambda$responseAsyncImpl0$8(Exchange.java:550)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at jdk.internal.net.http.Exchange.checkFor407(Exchange.java:430)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.Exchange.lambda$responseAsyncImpl0$9(Exchange.java:554)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniHandle(CompletableFuture.java:934)
>>> ~[?:?]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniHandleStage(CompletableFuture.java:950)
>>> ~[?:?]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.handle(CompletableFuture.java:2372)
>>> ~[?:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.Exchange.responseAsyncImpl0(Exchange.java:554)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.Exchange.responseAsyncImpl(Exchange.java:406)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.Exchange.responseAsync(Exchange.java:398)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.MultiExchange.responseAsyncImpl(MultiExchange.java:409)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.MultiExchange.lambda$responseAsync0$2(MultiExchange.java:342)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniCompose.tryFire(CompletableFuture.java:1150)
>>> ~[?:?]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(CompletableFuture.java:510)
>>> ~[?:?]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.run(CompletableFuture.java:1773)
>>> ~[?:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.HttpClientImpl$DelegatingExecutor.execute(HttpClientImpl.java:177)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeAsync(CompletableFuture.java:2719)
>>> ~[?:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.MultiExchange.responseAsync(MultiExchange.java:295)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.HttpClientImpl.sendAsync(HttpClientImpl.java:983)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.HttpClientImpl.send(HttpClientImpl.java:875)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
>>> at
>>> jdk.internal.net.http.HttpClientFacade.send(HttpClientFacade.java:133)
>>> ~[java.net.http:?]
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