Support for Keepalive Extended Socket Options On Windows

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sat Jun 3 07:19:10 UTC 2023

On 02/06/2023 21:56, Terry Chow (Simba Technologies Inc) wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm Terry and I'm from the mssql-jdbc driver team. I'd like to propose 
> some changes to JDK that would allow for keepalive extended socket 
> options support for Windows in order maintain feature parity within 
> the mssql-jdbc driver project. Currently, keepalive options are only 
> supported on Linux and Mac.
Just curious if your team has lobbied the Windows folks to provide the 
equivalent of  the TCP_KEEPIDLE and TCP_KEEPINTERVAL options so they 
work like other platforms?

There is exploration in PR14232 on implementation these socket options 
with SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS but it will require disruptive changes in order 
to make them to existing APIs.

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