Enhance proxy support in java.net core libraries
Jaikiran Pai
jai.forums2013 at gmail.com
Mon May 13 01:24:54 UTC 2024
Hello Alessandro,
I've moved this discussion to net-dev mailing list which is more
relevant for this discussion (and Bcced core-libs-dev). If you haven't
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On 13/05/24 3:28 am, Alessandro Autiero wrote:
> Hello, my name is Alessandro Autiero and I'd like to propose three
> enhancements for the java core libraries to better support proxies in
> network components of the JDK.
> There are three classes in the java.net <http://java.net> package that
> have proxy support:
> * java.net.Socket
> Introduced in Java 1.0, supports HTTP(S)/SOCKS proxies modelled by
> java.net.Proxy through the java.net.Socket(java.net.Proxy) constructor
> * java.net.HttpURLConnection
> Introduced in Java 1.1, supports HTTP(S)/SOCKS proxies modelled by
> java.net.Proxy through the
> java.net.URL#openConnection(java.net.Proxy) public method
> * java.net.HttpClient (Introduced in Java 11)
> Introduced in Java 11, supports HTTP(S) proxies modelled by
> java.net.ProxySelector through the public
> proxy(java.net.ProxySelector) method in its builder or the default
> java.net.ProxySelector, which can be set by calling
> java.net.ProxySelector#setDefault(java.net.ProxySelector)
> While most proxies provide support for both the HTTP and SOCKS scheme,
> considering that the older HTTP client API had support for both,
> developers might choose to use the older api, or to use an external
> one, if they need or want to provide support for this feature. A quick
> Google search for a recommendation on which Http Client to use on a
> modern Java version yields many results that list SOCKS support as a
> feature to keep in mind when making a choice. While this is not
> necessarily indicative of the average Java developer sentiment about
> the feature, I think that it should be considered, alongside a couple
> of issues that were opened on StackOverFlow
> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70011046/how-to-use-a-socks-proxy-with-java-jdk-httpclient>
> asking about support for this feature. Accordingly, I propose adding
> support for SOCKS proxies in java.net.HttpClient. If the change is
> allowed, consider that the default java.net.ProxySelector is an
> instance of sun.net.spi.DefaultProxySelector, which supports SOCKS
> proxies, but this implementation cannot be initialized by the user as
> it's not exposed by the module system. Starting from Java 9,
> ProxySelector#of(InetSocketAddress) was introduced, which returns an
> instance of java.net.ProxySelector$StaticProxySelector
> <https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/5053b70a7fc67ce9b73dbeecbdd88fbc34d45e04/src/java.base/share/classes/java/net/ProxySelector.java#L194>,
> a static inner class of ProxySelector introduced in Java 9 which only
> implements support for HTTP(S) proxies. StaticProxySelector's
> constructor could be modified from
> StaticProxySelector(java.net.InetSocketAddress) to
> StaticProxySelector(java.net.Proxy$Type, java.net.InetSocketAddress)
> to initialize the java.net.Proxy instance with a specified proxy type
> instead of hard coding HTTP. Then we could overload the method
> ProxySelector#of(InetSocketAddress) with
> ProxySelector#of(java.net.Proxy$Type, InetSocketAddress) method which
> would invoke the constructor we defined earlier. This change would not
> be breaking as StaticProxySelector is package private, no public
> methods would be deleted and the default scheme would still be HTTP.
> jdk.internal.net.http.HttpRequestImpl uses the ProxySelector in its
> retrieveProxy method, but checks if the proxy is an HTTP proxy: this
> would need to be changed as well. Finally, considering that unlike
> HttpURLConnection, HttpClient doesn't delegate the underlying
> connection to java.net.Socket, the java.net.http module would need to
> be enhanced to support SOCKS authentication, which could take more effort.
> Another observation that I've made is about authentication. If a proxy
> requires basic authentication, that is authentication through a
> username and optionally a password, a developer can implement the
> java.net.Authenticator class and override the
> getPasswordAuthentication method. While basic authentication is still
> the norm for most proxies, it's disabled by default in the JDK since
> Java 8. Though, it's possible to enable it by overriding the net
> properties jdk.http.auth.proxying.disabledSchemes and
> jdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes using System.setProperty. I
> couldn't find an explanation about why this change was implemented, so
> I can only speculate that it was done to incentivize Java developers
> to use an IP whitelist instead of basic auth to improve security,
> assuming that the connection isn't secure(HTTP). The problem though is
> that the net properties that need to be changed to allow basic proxy
> authentication are only read only one time in the static initializer
> of sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection class, the underlying
> implementation of java.net.HttpURLConnection. So, if for example a
> library loads this class before the developer calls
> System.setProperty, the change will have no effect and the
> authentication will subsequently fail. This may seem like an edge
> case, but for example in a Spring Boot environment, this exact issue
> will arise if the property isn't set before calling
> SpringApplication.run. I think that the best solution would be to
> remove the disabledTunnelingSchemes and disabledProxyingSchemes static
> fields from sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection and read the
> net properties when they are used instead of caching them. This
> solution is not a breaking change and should be very easy to implement
> as both fields are only referenced when initializing a
> AuthenticationHeader in the same class. Additionally, if we can agree
> on the fact that basic authentication is still the predominant way to
> provide authentication capabilities for a proxy and/or that disabling
> it doesn't provide a direct security benefit, I propose to also set
> jdk.http.auth.proxying.disabledSchemes and
> jdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes to an empty String so no
> schemes are disabled by default. This change could be breaking for
> Applications developed starting from Java 8 that expect basic
> authentication to be disabled, but I think that the scope of the
> impact would be much smaller, if there would be any at all, than when
> these flags were introduced breaking basic authentication for existing
> applications upgrading to Java 8.
> The last issue I've noticed is also about authentication. If a
> developer wants to set an instance of Authenticator instead of relying
> on the default one, which can be set using
> Authenticator.setAuthenticator, this may not be possible depending on
> the implementation:
> * java.net.Socket
> Not supported
> * java.net.HttpURLConnection
> Supported through the setAuthenticator(Authenticator) method
> introduced in Java 9
> * java.net.HttpClient
> Supported through the authenticator(Authenticator) method in its
> builder
> The reason why a developer might want to provide an instance of
> Authenticator instead of relying on the default one is that, for
> example, in a concurrent environment where multiple sockets exist,
> each using a different proxy, if the proxy host and port are the same,
> but each Socket instance is expected to use a different pair of
> username and passwords, the default Authenticator cannot determine
> which pair of credentials should be assigned to a given authentication
> request as it lacks the scope to make this decision. This change is
> not breaking as the default authenticator of a Socket would still be
> the default authenticator, which is the current behaviour. If the
> change is allowed, a possible solution would be to add a private field
> named authenticator and a public method
> setAuthenticator(Authenticator) to java.net.Socket. Then
> HttpConnectSocketImpl, the socket implementation for a socket using an
> http(s) proxy, would need to use the authenticator of its delegating
> socket instead of the default one in the doTunnel method: this is a
> one line of code change as HttpURLConnection already has support for
> setAuthenticator from Java 9. Finally, SocksSocketImpl, the socket
> implementation for a socket using a socks4/5 proxy, would need to use
> the authenticator of the delegating socket in the authenticate method.
> instead of calling Authenticator.requestPasswordAuthentication, which
> uses the default authenticator.
> I am happy to work on all, if any, of the enhancements that are
> considered feasible.
> I'm also looking forward to any possible criticism and feedback.
> Thanks in advance.
> I
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