Scope of OpenJDK NIO

David M. Lloyd david.lloyd at
Wed Apr 30 14:24:54 PDT 2008

On 04/30/2008 01:39 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> David M. Lloyd wrote:
>> :
>> Well, just the usual thoughts that come up whenever I deal with NIO:
>> - DatagramChannels don't have a way to recover the destination address 
>> of an incoming datagram (iow, how do we know whether we just received 
>> a broadcast packet?)
> This one has a long history, mostly because it wasn't feasible to 
> implement everywhere. It's a bit of niche requirement but the one 
> example that does come up every so often is the DHCP that needs to know 
> the interface that a datagram is received on. Michael McMahon (network 
> group) put work into this last year with a view to adding support in 
> jdk7. Here's a relatively recent mail from him on this topic:
> So do you use broadcast datagrams in some application? Just curious, as 
> perhaps the new multicast support will be interesting.

Not in my current work - I needed it for some project years ago though.  I 
don't recall the specifics but I think I solved it by using JNI.

The new multicast support is definitely interesting.

>> - unconnected DatagramChannels don't support scatter/gather
> This is a no-brainer that we should do. I'm not aware that anyone has 
> ever asked for this but I will create an RFE for this today (I'll send 
> the bugID).



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