Files.walkFileTree does not enumerate files which are created while traversing (Win)
Alan Bateman
Alan.Bateman at Sun.COM
Tue Aug 5 08:28:47 PDT 2008
Rajendra Gutupalli wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> I have tried to see whether Files.walkFileTree() lists the files which
> are created while traversing a directory. In preVisitDirectory()
> method I have created a file to see whether visistFile() methods gets
> a hit for the newly created file. In Solaris and Linux the visitFile()
> method is called for the newly created file but in Windows it does not
> get called.
The walkFileTree utility method is an internal iterator that makes use
of iterators obtained from directory streams. These iterators are
specified (in DirectoryStream) to be "weakly consistent" and may not
reflect updates to the directory after the directory is opened. So the
different behavior you observe is allowed (and I'm impressed that you
find these issues). Anyway, the reason for the difference is that the
underlying implementation is very different. On Windows then information
for the "first" file is returned when the directory is opened and the
search handle obtained. This creates a difference for the case that the
directory is initially empty; if you create the directory in a non-empty
directory then you'll see it will be returned by the iterator.
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