walkFileTree() does not throw NPE for null FileVisitOption

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at Sun.COM
Fri Aug 8 06:36:42 PDT 2008

Rajendra Gutupalli wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> I added null value to the set of FileVisitOption and passed it as an 
> argument to Files.walkFileTree(). Right now it works without throwing 
> NPE.
> Should the following code throw NPE or ignore null value?
> Set<FileVisitOption> visitOpts = new HashSet<FileVisitOption>();
> visitOpts.add(null);
> Files.walkFileTree(path, visitOpts, -1, new MyFileVisitor());
> Usually if we pass array/set of open/copy options which contain null 
> value then the respective method (moveTo/newSeekableChannel ..) throws 
> NPE.
There's a section in the package description to specify that the default 
behavior (ie: unless otherwise specified) is that NPE is thrown if a 
method is invoked with a null parameter or with a collection that 
contains null. I'll fix this for the next build - thanks!


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