meaning of PRUNE in FileVisitor.visitFile() ?

Rajendra Gutupalli Rajendra.Gutupalli at Sun.COM
Fri Aug 8 09:26:29 PDT 2008

Alan Bateman wrote:
> Rajendra Gutupalli wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> The spec for PRUNE says "Continue without visiting the entries in 
>> this directory. This result is only meaningful when returned from the 
>> preVisitDirectory method; otherwise this result type is the same as 
>> returning CONTINUE.". Does the PRUNE work in visitFile()  method as 
>> "Continue without visiting 'remaining' entries in the directory". Now 
>> it treats PRUNE as CONTINUE in visitFile() method. Could you please 
>> tell me how can we continue from visiting the remaining entries of 
>> the directory?
> Do you have any examples of where this would be used? It would be 
> straight-forward (actually trivial) to add a SKIP_SIBLINGS option if 
> needed.
Alan, I was just thinking about the flexibility of usage. During 
traversing of a directory structure one might want to skip the entries 
in directory (after visiting some entries) and move on to other 
directory . For example if I am looking for a specific kind of a file in 
a each directory and if I found that file then I might not need to visit 
the remaining files.


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