java.nio.channels.MembershipKey API

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at Sun.COM
Wed Oct 22 12:24:34 PDT 2008

Rémi Forax wrote:
> :
> For the early adopters, sorry to find that inconsistencies so late.
> I've found other methods that should be renamed too : 
> NetworkChannel.get/setOption(),
> NetworkChannel.getLocalAddress(), DatagramChannel.getConnectedAddress(),
> SocketChannel.getConnectedAddress().
Right, these are also new. The pairing here is bind/getLocalAddress, 
connect/getRemoteAddress, and setOption/getOption. In isolation, these 
method names are fine, not unexpected, etc. but point taken that we must 
try to keep the naming in the package consistent. I'll try to re-examine 
these methods soon. The naming problem is harder in the file package.


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