DirectoryStreamFilters.anyOf and allOf are not safe

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at Sun.COM
Thu Oct 23 04:48:03 PDT 2008

Rémi Forax wrote:
> There is three differents bugs :
> 1) anyOf() of use a raw type as return type:
>    <T extends FileRef> DirectoryStream.Filter anyOf(final 
> DirectoryStream.Filter<? extends T>... filters)
>    --------------------------------------------------------^
>    there is no T here !
I'm not sure how I missed that - thanks!

>    This bug is not currently detected by javac but will be soon,
>    see
Yes, this will be useful as some of the compiler errors when you use raw 
types in error can be very mis-leading.

> 2) Java doesn't allow to create an array of parameteried types so
>    declaring a varargs of parameterized type is not a good idea.
>    It's better to use an Iterable here.
> 3) casting a DirectoryStream.Filter<? extends T> to a
>    DirectoryStream.Filter<T> is unsafe and will lead to CCE.
>    As Mark Thornton wrote the JDK should use DirectoryStream.Filter<? 
> super T>.
> anyOf should be written like that:
> public static <T extends FileRef> DirectoryStream.Filter<T>
>    anyOf(final Iterable<? extends DirectoryStream.Filter<? super T>> 
> filters) {
Gee, I goofed here - thanks for finding this! Your proposed signature 
looks good although it's not currently working as expected with javac 
(Maurizio directed me to 6638712). Also using an Iterable requires a bit 
of extra work.  In any case, I'll try to get these signature corrected 
for the next build.

Thanks again,


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