Existence of a file fails if it is created with SBC(C_N, W, D_ON_C) (Sol)

Rajendra Gutupalli Rajendra.Gutupalli at Sun.COM
Thu Sep 25 02:52:23 PDT 2008

Alan Bateman wrote:
> Rajendra Gutupalli wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> When a SekableByteChannel is opened with option DELETE_ON_CLOSE, any 
>> further attempt to check the existence of the file (and also deletion 
>> of the file) fails in Solaris.
>> In Windows it is not a problem. Please see the following code and 
>> result in Solaris and Windows.
> Yes, the difference is observable but the spec is clear that the 
> details as to when and how the file is deleted are implementation 
> specific (and therefore unspecified). The intended use-case is a work 
> file that you want removed automatically when the channel/stream is 
> closed or the VM terminates. Ideally, the file should not be visible 
> in the file system on Windows after it is opened with this option but 
> it has always been the case that files pending delete are visible 
> until the last handle is closed.
Thanks Alan,

I have one more query. Is it okay to create a file to which 
SekableByteChannel is opened for DELETE_ON_CLOSE. ie. In the following 
code snippet Should path.createFile() succeed or should it throw 

Path path = Paths.get("testfile"); //testfile does not exists
SeekableByteChannel sbc = 

As of now in Solaris path.createFile() creates the file "testfile"and 
after the execution of code the file "testfile" continues to exist. But 
in Windows it throws FAEE.


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