Sync'ing up jdk7 at b50

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Wed Feb 11 11:54:23 PST 2009

2009/2/11 Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>:
> Just a heads-up that I plan to push a change-set to jdk7 b50 to bring the
> nio2 implementation up to date (jdk7 has the socket-channel API updates
> since b36 but not the file system API, asynchronous I/O API, and other fixes
> that have accumulated in the interim). This will allow it be tested by the
> wide audience that consume the weekly promoted builds. Development (esp. API
> changes) will continue here and will be sync'ed in later builds.
> -Alan.

With a similar aim in mind, we now provide NIO2 (b98) directly in
IcedTea6 and IcedTea7 as patches against the main OpenJDK6/7 trees (in
a separate namespace for 6 to avoid compatibility issues).  It would
be great to see this more widely tested, and the audience for a branch
of a development JDK seems fairly limited, even if binaries are
provided.  Making it available in IcedTea6 should mean distros start
shipping it soon and users will have an easy way to use these classes
if they so wish.
Andrew :-)

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