hg: nio/nio/jdk: First installation of potential updates for M4
libman at terabit.com.au
libman at terabit.com.au
Wed May 27 10:01:47 PDT 2009
>Vassili pushed new binaries to our download directory
>(http://download.java.net/jdk7/jsr203/binaries) this week. This build
>reports itself as nio2-b101 and has the API change so that these methods
>return void. I'll try to get these updates into jdk7 in a few weeks
>time. I assume it will be quick for you to update the filters library.
Indeed, the update of filters library was quite quick.
I switched to b101 - all tests work fine.
I only noticed that overall performance on EchoTest slows down ~10%
(compare with b99)
Will investigate more... By the chance, if you can this test
on your machine, please let me know if numbers are same or less.
I have added also a AsynchronousCoder
public AsynchonrousCoder (AsynchronousChannel ch, Charset cs);
// read and decode
public Future<Integer> read (CharBuffer dst);
public <A> void read (CharBuffer dst,
A attachment,
CompletionHandler<Integer, super A> handler)
// encode and write
public Future<Integer> write (CharBuffer src);
public <A> void write(CharBuffer src,
A attachment,
CompletionHandler<Integer, super A> handler)
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