hg: nio/nio/jdk: First installation of potential updates for M4

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at Sun.COM
Wed May 27 19:44:31 PDT 2009

libman at terabit.com.au wrote:
> :
> I compare b101 and b99.
> I had only one jdk  (b58 or 59 - do not remember) for short time, while I
> b101 was not ready. Results for that jdk was identical to b101.
> The difference I noticed on WindowsXP between b99 and b101.
> Sorry for incomplete info.
> But I remember that EchoTest did 36MB/sec on b99 while now it shows
> 29-32MB/sec
> http://jproactor.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/jproactor/trunk/nio2/src/au/com/terabit/nio2/testfilter/EchoTestAIO.java
> I will investigate more.
I'll look into this after JavaOne. I suspect it is caused by 6834246 
which was needed to workaround a reliability issue on Windows. b101 also 
has support for thread agnostic I/O on Windows Vista and Windows Server 
2008 so things are slightly faster on those editions compared to b99.


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