The CompletionHandler<V,A> Interface in Asynchronous context

向雅 fyaoxy at
Thu Nov 12 07:38:38 PST 2009

:) Not mind my Po4 english writing


2009/11/12 Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>:
> 向雅 wrote:
>> I mean add the additional completed method for EOF, and only for EOF.
>> :
> OK, I think I understand now - you're suggesting that we add
> ReadCompletionHandler that extends CompletionHandler and defines a one-arg
> completed method. The two-arg completed method is invoked when bytes are
> read and the one-arg when EOF is reached. Couldn't you just implement
> CompletionHandler and do the dispatching in the completed method?
The focus is that I don't hope the whole world both write these same code:)
So the best way to do dispatch is the API.

Cpp not not good, but whole cpp world full of everybody's String class
so Cpp so so bad.

> -Alan.

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